One of the things that I get asked the most when presenting healthy, inexpensive, easy to cook meals is 'How do I do it?'. It seems that there is a whole generation of people that don't cook. Every meal is take-out, eating out, microwave or delivery. I don't blame anybody for this and I used to be the same way in college and right out of college. I had an advantage that I had worked in restaurants since the age of 16 so I always knew my way around the kitchen, but most people my age (34) seem to have skipped that day in Home-Ec (my wife hates to cook so this post will hit very close to home).
The meals I create at home and for menu plans try to encompass a few virtues.
1. Quick - I hate, hate, hate coming home from a long day at work and then spending an hour to cook a meal. BOO! On the weekend maybe.
2. Easy - By this I mean few ingredients. I always try for 5 or less, optimal is 3; this makes it hard to screw up as well.
3. Healthy - Fresh ingredients with low levels of processed carbs, gluten, dairy or beans.
We don't have a microwave so all meals are cooked over a gas range, on the grill, in the toaster oven or the real oven. Here a few tools that help to speed up the cookin'
Mandolin - quickly slice up your veggies but watch your fingers! Great for squash and zucchini. Added a picture b/c lots of people don't know what it looks like!
Go to the gear page to see the stuff I use in my kitchen!
Hand Chopper - Makes quick work of veggies that need to be chopped or minced. Keep it washed and clean.

I love this picture; I don't have a slap chop though.
Pressure Cooker - Cook your food faster! I hate waiting an hour for delicious acorn or spaghetti squash.
Toaster Oven - We currently cook for two so we rarely have a need for heating up the oven (takes too long!) Works great for corn tortillas.
Crock Pot - The ultimate in lazy cooking! Throw in meat, veggies, water, spice. Set it on low and go to work. 6-8 hours later - eat.
There are a ton of neat kitchen products out there but I rarely need more than these to cook any meal besides a good set of pans, knives and cutting board.
More recipies coming!